Normal skin is smooth to the touch with a more or less uniform tone. The pores are not prominent and there are no apparent imperfections, an indication of adequate internal balance. Nonetheless, every day your skin is exposed to environmental conditions, pollution, radiation, etc., and it is also sensitive to the passage of time.

A natural aesthetic treatment duly adapted to your skin's needs can help you to preserve its qualities and its capacity for renewal for as long as possible, ensuring your skin looks great throughout your life and helping to effectively prevent ageing.

Hydrating and nourishing your skin at the start and end of each day is essential in order to maintain an adequate hydric-lipidic balance and prolong your youthful looks.

A healthy habit is to start the day with the purifying freshness of virgin bamboo milk and apply a few drops of hydro-nourishing facial cream, even when your skin does not appear to be lacking moisture. This prevents the epidermis from drying up over time.

Removal of makeup and cleansing is of vital importance to keep your skin healthy.

Soothing and remineralising bamboo sap is ideal for this purpose because it keeps your skin clean, toned, smooth and luminous, as well as providing essential support for the cell regeneration process. This 100 % natural product eliminates impurities and allows your pores to breathe.

As for cleansing, it needs to be borne in mind that the skin is not simply a covering, but rather a living organ that even produces its own protective mantle. If this barrier is abruptly removed it can lead to an imbalance of the skin’s natural functions.

After using bamboo sap your skin may feel slightly taut. This sensation only lasts for a short time. In a matter of minutes, you will feel how your skin is as smooth as silk. The reason is that this product delicately removes the skin’s protective mantle to foster its regeneration. For very dry skin we recommend adding a few drops of revitalising oil to the cotton wad.


Purification of the skin using cyclical treatments is the best way to purify your skin.

Exfoliation is best carried out once a week using a bamboo plant peel to remove impurities such as dead cells and excess keratin that build up on the epidermis.
It is also highly recommended to apply a face mask once a week to perform deep cleansing and purification of the pores, remove blackheads and prevent marks from appearing on the skin.

If at times your skin seems drier or more sensitive, this means that it needs more specific treatment every now and then. For a few days before going to bed, repeat the same treatment as in the morning and if the dryness is excessive (especially on windy, hot or cold days), add a few drops of revitalising oil to the cream.

As you gain a better understanding of these products, follow your instincts and be creative because with dulkamara bamboo, as in the case of a healthy and varied diet, you can always design new healthy regimes for your skin.

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